The most anticipated movie this year Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice has DC fans holding their breaths. The only assurance (if you can call it that) comic book and movie enthusiasts have is the star studded cast. Some familiar and some new faces have been added to the DC roster.Batman V. Superman is not only a follow up to Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill, but also is a platform to launch Wonder Woman--which will star Gal Gadot. Could this also boost for a new Batman franchise, too? I think we can safely say "yes" based on the possibility of loosing the rights to making the movie DC will have to make a Batman movie within the next few years.
A review will be posted here on Cinematic Rundown Monday, March 28th, but in the meantime here's a quick rundown of what we know.
It's been a couple of years since the Superman-Zod face off that
turned the high standing skyscrapers of Metropolis to rubble. With such a high death toll leaving not only the citizens of the city, but the world terrified. After seeing the destruction that Superman and Zod caused first hand, he sets out as Batman to destroy the Man of Steel. Batman isn't the only one who has a score to settle, Lex Luthor has also set his sights on Superman.

Awesome fight scenes--including Wonder Woman kicking some major butt, fantastic costumes, a few laughs, cool gadgets, and a creepy crowd reaching for Superman (what's that about?), the bat signal, the Kent farm, and Lex Luthor being a bit of a puppet master all while rocking that hair.
Ben Affleck--Batman/Bruce Wayne
Henry Cavill--Superman/Clark Kent
Gal Gadot--Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Jesse Eisenberg--Lex Luthor
Amy Adams--Lois Lane
Jeremy Irons--Alfred
Holly Hunter--Senator Finch
Diane Lane--Martha Kent
Laurence Fishbourne--Perry White
Michael Shannon--Zod
Charlie Rose, Anderson Cooper, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Nancy Grace to name a few.
A walking dead star, Jeffery Dean Morgan (Supernatural, The Watchmen), and a new hero who has his own movie coming out in 2020.
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